Bulletin: Musicians Needed – Church Band in Twin Cities Metro Area

Good morning world! Just a quick note — we (my church) are in need of musicians/a band in the Twin Cities metro area. Know of anyone interested in playing regularly?  Needs include guitar players, bass players, vocalists, keyboard plays – we have one – and drummers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in playing, please connect them with me or send them to this link for my church for my information. We are great group of people and have awesome community, we’re just missing musicially inclined artists.

We are also looking for people who want to serve in our children’s ministry, preferably those with some experience. Background checks will also be completed prior to putting them in the rotation for our children’s ministry.

With much gratitude,

moving platforms

Greetings followers, friends and family!

Due to current circumstances in my life, I’m moving blog platforms. If you’re interested in following along on this journey we call life, please contact me.

It’s been a great ride!

for a most beloved sister on her wedding day

I wrote this for my sister a little over 17 months ago. A great time…many memories…emotional overload, but it’s all good.

A L!fe Lived

Let’s face it. Writing any speech is hard. But, writing one for your sister’s big day? Definitely.

I’d been working on the thing for weeks. I’d start it, write a line (okay, maybe two), and end up wadding up the yellow legal paper because I didn’t like the way it flowed and toss it towards the non-existent trash can in my living room. Ever the perfectionist, not only was I making a mess in my apartment (which, secretly, drives me nuts), I was hitting road block after road block. This speech had to be the best thing since sliced bread. Flawless. Epic, really.

The idealist in me demanded romance and perfection, with enough humor to captivate the audience (her guests) and keep the new husband and wife from falling asleep at the head table. I didn’t want something generic, something cut, pasted and dried from someone else’s idea. I wanted…

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the beauty of baptism

One year ago this week… Oh, how my life has changed.

A L!fe Lived


John answered them all, “I baptize you with water, but One is coming who is more powerful than I. I am not worthy to untie the strap of His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Luke 3.16

I’m getting baptized. On Sunday.

I tell friends, family and acquaintances about it and I get the strangest looks and asked why? I was baptized as a baby…


That’s just it. I was a baby. It was more of a dedication/promise for my parents; that they would raise me in obedience to God, teaching me His ways. I don’t remember it.

Confirmation came when I was in high school. I went through the class, on my own, just like every other high school sophomore before me (16 was the average age of those who had gone through confirmation at the church I grew up in), but…

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Party Season is Here!

Winter still has its clutches on Minnesota…but spring is hanging on and crawling ever closer (if the temps this weekend were any indication). That being said, it’s that time of year…

I’m hosting a spring Tastefully Simple tasting party later this month…both virtual and in person. Check out the link below and shop around. Best of all, these food options (seasonings, desserts, etc.) are MSG free and they have a gluten-free line available (with more options than last season!)



— this link will also be posted on the side bar for the next 28 days.

“I’m not lazy. I am courageous.”


taste and see…


this week’s action verse: Psalm 63.8


my first fast

Growing up, my family, not to mention the church I was raised in, paid little attention to giving things up during the season of Lent or fasting, for that matter. This year, I’ll be fasting from an over-abundance of social media and enternmainment. Now. I don’t being going cold turkey. Let me explain.

I’m on the phone and the computer all day at the office. What excuse do I have to continue to be on it, surfing the net, filling time with mindless videos on YouTube or Netflix, when I could be spending that time with God instead? None. That’s just it.

With that being said, I’m taking a sporadic hiatus.

  • Between 4 PM and 8 AM on any given day (basically overnight), my goal is to not be finding myself in the mist of said mindless internet usage. That means no Facebook. No Twitter. No surfing the web unless it’s an absolute need — paying bills, finding a yellow bridesmaid’s dress for a summer wedding, a face-time date I already had scheduled with a friend, blogging (necessary blogging), renewing books online, etc.
  • One night a week, I’m allowing myself to catch up on shows that I enjoy watching (not to be mindlessly lost, but to watch them before they expire…unless I’ve caught up by now). This one also depends on my internet accessibility. It’s pretty sketchy where I live and if I can’t connect, I won’t be watching anything.
  • One afternoon each week — a Saturday or Sunday when I don’t have plans — I will allow myself to watch ONE faith-message based movie: i.e. October Baby, Ultimate Gift, Ultimate Life, Courageous, etc.
  • One night a week, I will allow myself to go out, alone – date night with Jesus. Doesn’t matter what it is — visiting a coffee shop with my Bible and journal in two, going out for dinner somewhere with the same items, dressing up (who says I can’t), going for a long walk or a hike even. I’ve done this before and I highly recommend it…to anyone, not just us awesome single ladies.
  • All that time I used to or would normally spend in front of the computer or TV, I’ll be spending focused on Jesus. Whether it be getting out into nature and going for a walk weather finally warms up (it is March after all), reading his Word (my Bible), journaling, prayer, reading books about Christian living, grace and faith in God, writing — maybe I’ll work on that novel, reading inspirational fiction (something with God at its center) or volunteering.
  • I will still be blogging, but only between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM and only once or twice during those given days. I may share an article or post a tweet or status update during that time. I will not be “checking in” anywhere outside of those hours. I do have limited access to social media and email at the office and will sporadically be checking in during those hours…note: sporadically.

I’m both excited, filled with anticipation, and terrified to see what God will do with my heart and life during those 40 days. Maybe it’ll be a lifelong choice I’ll make going forward. I need more quiet in my life, more days unplugged and not connected to the internet for a few hours (thus the basic phone).

And I’m reaching out to my social realm of friends to aid in keeping me accountable. If you’re reading this and seeking the same, leave me a comment. I’ll get back to you. If you’re a friend and have my number, text me. *Hugs to all…and here’s to the next 40 days. May God bless them!

“The Sound That Saved Us All” by Anthony Skinner