Tag Archives: priorties

Keeping Jesus at Your Center

In wrapping up my 25 days of Christmas, I would like to propose a thought to you all with the coming new year.

I, for one, do not make New Year’s resolutions. If I call it that, I never end up keeping them. I’m always in a constant state of bettering myself, wanting to excel in everything I do. I choose healthier eating options, go to the gym five days a week, do yoga, spend time with God, spend quality time with friends and family, become a better musician and writer…and the list goes on.

Most of us even end up re-prioritizing our priorities at the end of the year…saying that next year will be the year that we will keep Jesus in first place…leaving our lists looking more like this:

1. Jesus
2. Family, friends and others
3. Career
4. Volunteer
5. Music and writing

This year, I’m choosing to not just have Jesus first, but keep Him in everything on that list.

Prioritizing the list that way seems to remove Jesus from the majority of your life and gives Him an  island all His own, making it a rather ineffective list when you get down to the grind of every day life. Jesus should be infused into every nook and cranny, rather than given a separate time or section of it.

After all, the scriptures repeatedly tell us that Jesus is first before and over everything; all things were created through and for Him; in Him all things hold together; the goal of the cross was to reconcile all things to Himself (Colossians 1:15-20).

Jesus is first.

First in order.

First in importance.

He is so because He is the center of everything.

That’s what He should be in your life. And consequently, the thing that is the center of your life will automatically be first in your life.

That priority list should instead look more like this:

Jesus in my family, friends and others.
Jesus in my career.
Jesus in my volunteering opportunities.
Jesus in my musicianship.
Jesus in my writing.

Jesus in in my everything.

This year, instead of worrying about putting Jesus first in your life, what if you concentrated on making Him the center of every area of your life? Not just the top priority in front of every other priority, but the top priority in every priority?

We’d probably be a lot more successful in actually keeping Jesus at the top spot on our list. And we’d be much more likely to do an exponentially greater job at accomplishing our other goals and maintaining our priorities.

That is my prayer for you, not only with the company year, but for your life. May He be the center of everything.